Assessment FAQs
What do the authors mean by "adequate progress"?
Students who are making adequate progress as defined by a Recognizing Student Achievement note are on a trajectory to meet the Grade-Level Goal. Such students have successfully accomplished what is expected up to that point in the curriculum. If students continue to progress as expected, then they will demonstrate proficiency with the Grade-Level Goal by the end of the year.
The performance expectations described in the Recognizing Student Achievement notes for any given Grade-Level Goal progress developmentally throughout the year. The level of performance that is expected in October is not the same as what is expected in April. The term adequate progress describes the level of competency that the majority of students can be expected to have at a particular time. The authors of Everyday Mathematics chose the Recognizing Student Achievement tasks with the expectation that they majority of students would be successful with them, which is in line with the expectation that the vast majority of students will successfully reach the Grade-Level Goals for their grade level.
Do students have to complete all of the Recognizing Student Achievement tasks before I can know whether they are making adequate progress?
Each lesson in Everyday Mathematics contains a Recognizing Student Achievement note. These notes highlight specific tasks from which teachers can collect student performance data to monitor and document students’ progress toward meeting specific Grade-Level Goals. Each Recognizing Student Achievement note addresses part of a Grade-Level Goal. The suggested assessment tasks build a complete picture over time for each Grade-Level Goal. If students perform well on one or two Recognizing Student Achievement tasks for a goal, that may not provide enough information about the goal in its entirety. Teachers are the experts in their classrooms. If you choose to not do some of the Recognizing Student Achievement tasks, consider collecting similar information from other tasks to assemble a complete picture for each Grade-Level Goal.
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