Everyday Mathematics The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project
About Everyday Mathematics

Building Conceptual Understanding through Concrete, Real-Life Examples

Everyday Mathematics represents mathematical ideas in multiple ways. Abstract ideas are approached using verbal, pictorial, and concrete representations.

If children are introduced to abstract concepts before they have a solid basis for understanding those concepts, they tend to resort to memorization and rote learning, which is not a solid foundation for further learning. Everyday Mathematics focuses on first developing student’s understanding of concepts through:

  • Real world examples and concrete objects (manipulatives)
  • Pictorial representations
  • Discussion of ideas and methods

The use of multiple representations is carefully built into the Everyday Mathematics curriculum to ensure that students truly understand the concepts they are learning.


In Grade 2 students use manipulatives, other real objects, and pictures to explore division of whole numbers:

Related Links

Teaching Everyday Mathematics

Access guides to assessment, computation, differentiation, pacing, and other aspects of Everyday Mathematics instruction.

Everyday Mathematics Virtual Learning Community

Join the Virtual Learning Community to access EM lesson videos from real classrooms, share EM resources, discuss EM topics with other educators, and more.

Professional Development

The UChicago STEM Education offers strategic planning services for schools that want to strengthen their Pre-K–6 mathematics programs.

On the Publisher's Site

McGraw-Hill Education's website features supplemental materials, games, assessment and planning tools, technical support, and more.

About the Authors

Find out more information about the creators of Everyday Mathematics.